Ross Med is #1 among the top 4 Caribbean medical schools based on residency rates*.
*Based on information available on the schools' websites as of July 2024. Methodologies vary. Click here for details.
Join a Proudly Accredited Institution
Ross is accredited by Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP).
This means that as a graduate of RUSM, you’ll be eligible for Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates® (ECFMG®) certification and can apply for residencies and licensure in all 50 U.S. states, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
Accreditation by CAAM-HP is a rigorous, peer review process that examines all aspects of a medical program. The CAAM-HP board, an independent and autonomous body of professionals, only certifies medical schools operating at the highest educational standards. View our accreditation and program recognition page for more information.
Discover the Ross Med Difference
Find opportunities and resources to support your success both in the classroom and beyond. Create your own academic path, make connections with supportive faculty and peers, and prepare yourself for a career you love. Ross Med is where great stories begin. It’s time to start yours.
Our students receive a rigorous medical education with opportunities for early hands-on experiences in Barbados.
Student Support
Even before your medical school journey begins, you’ll find a rich network of academic support resources at Ross Med.
Clinical Home Offer
Global perspective, local impact. Learn more about how you can return to your home town for clinical rotations.
1 First-time pass rate is the number of students passing the USMLE Step 1 exam on the first attempt divided by the number of students whose first attempt was in 2019-2023. In order to sit for the USMLE Step 1 exam students must successfully complete the Medical Sciences curriculum and earn a satisfactory score on the NBME CBSE exam as listed in the student handbook.
2 First-time residency attainment rate is the percent of students attaining a 2024-25 residency position out of all graduates or expected graduates in 2023-24 who were active applicants in the 2024 NRMP match or who attained a residency position outside the NRMP match.
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