Dahlia Gibson, PsyD, is a Registered Clinical Psychologist and a graduate of City University of New York, City College and Carlos Albizu University, Miami, Florida. Dr. Gibson was trained in New York and Florida and uses an integrative approach to working with clients across different cultures and settings. Upon her return to Barbados, she has held the office of President of the Barbados Association of Psychologists and council member for the Paramedical Council in the Ministry of Health. Her work in tertiary education as a Psychological Counselor at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus has preceded her move to Ross University School of Medicine. Dr. Gibson has been an avid promoter of mental health and wellness within the Barbadian community and has appeared on several television and radio programs dispelling myths about mental health. In 2015, she published her first book for parents in the Caribbean entitled Help! My Child Real Hardears: Managing Difficult Behaviours In Children. Her research interests include wellness and positive psychology, child advocacy, parenting skills and cross-cultural issues in psychopathology.