Mykahaylo Yakubovskyy

Michael Yakubovskyy received his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1981 from the Vinnitsa National Medical University, Ukraine. He completed an Internship in Pathology at Clinical Municipal Hospital #2 in Jitomir-city, Ukraine in 1982 and continued his training at the position of a Junior Specialist Pathologist (Resident equivalent) at Vinnitsa Province Oncology Dispensary, Ukraine in 1982-1985. 1991, for research in the herbicide-induced changes in the endocrine system, Dr. Yakubovskyy was awarded Doctorial Candidate of Medical Sciences (Doctor of Philosophy) Degree in Pathology by Leningrad Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, St-Petersburg, Russia. Dr. Yakubovskyy held faculty appointments at Vinnitsa National Medical University (Ukraine), Moi University (Kenya), University of Seychelles American Institute of Medicine (Seychelles). Before coming to Ross University he was a Professor of Pathology at Saba University School of Medicine, Netherland Antilles. He has particular interest, and research experience, in Radiobiology, Toxicology, Entersorption and Antioxidant Pharmacology. He has a great love for teaching and has been awarded Favorite Professor Award, Best Professor Award, Kid in Heart Award, and Best Faculty Advisor Award. He is a member of several local and international organizations including the European Society of Pathology, Group for Research in Pathology Education, International Association of Medical Science Educators, and an International Association for Medical Education (AMEE). His hobbies include classical music, history of religion, underwater photography, etc.